Our Treatments

Cosmetic Teeth Whitening is a non-invasive procedure to help lift artificial stains caused by Food & Liquid. Hydrogen Peroxide and a strong UV paired together will gradually whiten the teeth, leaving you with a brighter smile.

See below for our full list of Bright Bar Teeth Whitening Services.

The BB Triple Treatment

Our most popular treatment! The Triple Treatment is done in one session of 3 x 20-minute increments under the UV light (allow up to 2hrs).

The BB Ultra Treatment

Perfect for smokers or anyone with heavily stained teeth.
The BB Ultra Treatment consists of 2 sessions of 3 x 20-minute increments, approximately 2 weeks apart (allow up to 2hrs per session)

Top-Up Treatment

Our Top-Up Treatment is formulated for existing clients who have already undergone a Triple Treatment and have very minimal re-staining. Just 3 x 10-minute intervals to create a whiter brighter smile.